Art Submission Guidelines
file setup
Acceptable file format: .pdf, .psd, .psb, .jpg, .tif, .ai, .eps
*A file with complex design elements or effects has a desirable outcome in print if the file is a raster image.
Printing is done in CMYK color process. Ideally, file colors set with Adobe Pantone Solid Coated can deliver a targetable color match. However, Pantone colors are not a guaranteed color match unless test prints are ordered in advance for a fee. Files set with RGB colors will automatically convert to CMYK print colors. This process will cause a color shift. We do not process spot colors.
*Do not set fill colors with a CMYK value. Setting a fixed CMYK value may result in color outside the target range.
submission check list
- set bleed size: 2” on all sides for large prints, 1” for poster
- outline all fonts & strokes
- embed all image links and remove any unused links
- no trim/crop/print color registration marks
- space key elements 4” away from edges or an area of obstruction
- 3D & vinyl cut elements must have key/path line
- number files per graphic floor plan
- check visibility around the counter, monitor, door, or product display
- check image resolution at 100% print size, recommended 150 dpi or above
- file set at 1/2 scale; should have double the resolution
special notes
- Fabric graphic over 120” will have a seam.
- Sintra panels have 3/16” gap
- Continuous flow art between panels/walls is not guaranteed for alignment.
Graphic Production Proofs
Exhibit Options will provide email proofs for approval before production. Please review them carefully. Any errors discovered in the finished product will not be Exhibit Options' responsiblity.
Proof Mock-up
A "mock-up" final rendering with booth graphics will be available after graphic production proof approval.
Service & Fees
Design time will be charged if files require correction or adjustment to meet guidelines. Test prints, if requested, will be billed for.